British Reactions to the Introduction of Race Laws in Fascist Italy, 1938-1939

When in the autumn of 1931 Major Duncan McCallum and his wife Violet were travelling from Kenya to British Somaliland, the local Italian provincial governor Commendatore Massimo Adolfo Vitale hosted them in Italian Somaliland. From this encounter spurred a friendship between the British Major and the Italian Officer, with the both of them remaining in Read More

Diplomatic Reports on the Holocaust – an EHRI Online Edition

In April of 1939, the American diplomat Ray Atherton, stationed in Sofia, reported to the Secretary of State that “there is no sympathy in Bulgaria for the anti-Jewish demonstrations of this organization ‚Workers of New Bulgaria‘,” which “is of foreign origin and is, it is believed, directly encouraged from Germany”.1 This assumption was mirrored by Read More